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2009-02-27 15:17  

1.ChenT, Hui R, Wang XL, Zhang T, Dong YX, Li YQ. Origins ofendomorphin-immunoreactive fibers and terminals in different columns of theperiaqueductal gray in the rat. J Comp Neurol. 2008; 509(1):72-87.

2.ZhangH, Inoue R, Shi J, Jin XH, Li YQ. Synergistic actions of diacylglycerol andinositol 1,4,5 trisphosphate for Ca2+-dependent inactivation of TRPC7 channel.Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2008; 29(1):90-7.

3.HuangJ, Wang YY, Wang W, Li YQ, Tamamaki N, Wu SX. 5-HT(3A) receptor subunit isexpressed in a subpopulation of GABAergic and enkephalinergic neurons in themouse dorsal spinal cord. Neurosci Lett. 2008; 441(1):1-6.

4.TaoKS, Wang W, Wang L, Cao DY, Li YQ, Wu SX, Dou KF. The multifaceted mechanismsfor coffee's anti-tumorigenic effect on liver. Med Hypotheses. 2008;71(5):730-6.

5.WangYY, Legendre P, Huang J, Wang W, Wu SX, Li YQ. The effect of serotonin on GABAsynthesis in cultured rat spinal dorsal horn neurons. J Chem Neuroanat. 2008;36(3-4):150-9.

6.WangW, Wang W, Wang Y, Huang J, Wu S, Li YQ. Temporal changes of astrocyteactivation and glutamate transporter-1 expression in the spinal cord afterspinal nerve ligation-induced neuropathic pain. Anat Rec (Hoboken). 2008;291(5):513-8.

7.WangW, Huang J. Change of AMPA receptors in spinal nociceptive synapses duringinflammatory hyperalgesia. J Neurosci. 2008; 28(41):10185-6.

8.HuangJ, Wang Y, Wang W, Wei Y, Li Y, Wu S. Preproenkephalin mRNA is expressed in asubpopulation of GABAergic neurons in the spinal dorsal horn of the GAD67-GFPknock-in mouse. Anat Rec (Hoboken). 2008; 291(10):1334-41.

9.HuoFQ, Qu CL, Li YQ, Tang JS, Jia H. GABAergic modulation is involved in theventrolateral orbital cortex 5-HT 1A receptor activation-induced antinociceptionin the rat. Pain. 2008; 139(2): 398-405.

10.Qu CL, Huo FQ, Huang FS, Li YQ, Tang JS, Jia H. Therole of 5-HT receptor subtypes in the ventrolateral orbital cortex of5-HT-induced antinociception in the rat. Neuroscience. 2008; 152(2): 487-94.

11.吴利平,王文,李辉,张华,黄晨,李云庆.大鼠脊髓白质后索内P物质受体阳性神经元的形态特征及其联系.神经解剖学杂志. 2008; 1:67-70.

12.郭威,刘涛,刘春然,武胜昔,李金莲,徐礼鲜.GAD67-GFP基因敲入小鼠5-羟色胺样和P物质样阳性终末与三叉神经中脑核神经元的联系.神经解剖学杂志.2008; 2:166-170.

13.张明明,冯宇鹏,李辉,李云庆.大鼠中缝大核向脊髓投射神经元与神经降压素能终末的突触联系.神经解剖学杂志. 2008, 1: 89-92.

14.李云庆,王亚云,李金莲.人体解剖学“一条龙”教学的方法和体会.解剖学杂志.2008; 1: 139-140.

15.邹昌旭,张琰君,武胜昔.阑尾的大体解剖学研究及其影像学意义.解剖科学进展. 2008; 14(2): 145-147.


17.Zhang T, Wang XX, Zhang J, Shi J, Li HL, Li YQ.Co-localization of metabotropic glutamate receptor2 with ASIC3 or TRPV1 in thedorsal root ganglion of rat.神经解剖学杂志. 2008; 6: 575-580.

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